Saturday, September 25, 2010

Never say no to Panda - YouTube Video

Never say no to Panda

This YouTube Video is gaining a lot of popularity. Panda Cheese, a product from Arab Dairy which I understand is popular in Egypt and the Middle East.

I however feel that the company has yet to act on its YouTube success in anyway.

The commercial, I believed to be filmed in 2007 suddenly became a hit on YouTube when several influential websites like boing boing shared it, and the video immediately became an instant hit.

In my opinion, this is a WIN for the company, and they should embrace REAL TIME Marketing, and ACT on this success to start a YouTube campaign to sell more... cheese.

If I were the marketing director of the company, I would do the following.

1) Create a new Panda commercial. This time, focus on the newly found success, and label -- 2010 Never say no to Panda -- Stand a chance to win a flight to Egypt and be in a commercial with the Panda, by buying Panda Cheese.

2) Create a Panda Cheese competition where there is a serial number for each cheese sold.

3) Create a Cheese competition site. Customers can login to the site, input their personal particulars, join their Facebook group and input the serial number of their cheese to take part in the competition.

4) Share the Panda commercial video online on YouTube, and inform customers about the chance to be in the Panda commercial, and ACT NOW.

5) Track the number of customers who are joining the mailing list, collect personal information and at the same time measure ROI of increase of sales of competition due to the commercial on YouTube.

6) Pick a random winner, be transparent about the process, make another Panda video with the winner, fly Winner in and thank winner for being a customer, and create another Panda video.

I am pretty sure that this online competition does not cost much, but the impact can possibly be BIG. Celebrating customer and possibly giving away PANDA costumes to people to make more panda commercials may also work.

This is such a waste if this company misses such a golden opportunity.

-- Robin Low

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