Thursday, December 3, 2009

I slept with Tiger Woods

This is the first of my series of videos to show how ridiculous tabloids are, and how people are willing to be in front of the camera to say things that my hurt others, just for fame.

I'm not talking about the people in my video, but the people to volunteer to be interviewed by Tabloids to say that they slept with Celebrities. Some want money, but most are just about the 2 minute fame!

I managed to put together this video in about 4 hours, and thanks to the people on the street, I managed to get them to say that they are "celebrities" and they sleep with Tiger Woods.

I would like to use Social Media to show how ridiculous some of these claims are, and hope by starting a "I slept with Tiger Woods" Campaign, people will slowly forget about the rumors that is circulating and just leave Tiger Alone!

So if you support the Champ, please join in and do a video of yourself or your friends, or just people on the street, and tell them to pretend to be a celebrity and say the following: "Hi, I'm (insert name here), and I slept with Tiger Woods."

Simply reply to the video and hopefully, we can have enough videos out there that the other rumors and tabloid junk become less fun and interesting and the world can leave him alone!

Besides, its great fun making this video and everyone on the video enjoyed it.

Have a great time watching this video.

Please use the above link to comment and post your video in reply as well!!

-- Robin Low

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