Preparing for an event and marketing it takes a lot of time and effort. For the event to be successful? So for a successful event, how do you go about creating awareness for it?
1) Creating a Facebook Event. (Tohoku - Road to the future - Art and photo Exhibition)
Create it, invite friends, friends of friends, Alumni, family. Invite it through emails and send messages to people whom yo think may come but have not replied.
2) Post it in relevant groups that you join to promote the event. Relief 2.0 - Japan
3) Do research online on reporters / bloggers who may be interested in the event. Write a pitch letter and send it out! Remember to include your contact information and specific information on the event.
Artitude Pitch
Singapore Business Review
Yesterday SG
Plush Asia
The Online Citizen
Life in Boston
SPH's AsiaOne
Your pitch letters may be picked up and reporters will call you for an interview, or you can submit a press release with some photos and the news / bloggers can run the press release.
4) Besides pitching to News and Bloggers, you can try pitching to TV and radio stations as well.
I managed to get on Channel News Asia and various Radio stations as well.
Put event up on event sites like Eventbrite.
And WhatsHappening.SG
It takes effort to invite people and get them to come, so regular posting of information on the event page and other groups and forums to inform people about the event does help bring more awareness.
It takes practice, patience and experience. There will be a lot of rejections, but occasionally you get a successful pitch and build your contact.
Don't give up!
-- Robin Low